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Susanna & Christian Popescu
About Us Price List Business Terms



» P R I C E   L I S T

Decisive criteria for fixing the price of a translation are:

  • the degree of difficulty
  • the field
  • the desired delivery deadline

Normally we charge the following prices:

  • Authentication: € 5,00 / document
  • Translation: € 1,- / line of 55 keystrokes (€ 0,13 / word)
  • Mailing costs: prices of the Deutsche Post AG
  • Transportation costs (by car): € 0,40 / km
  • Phone calls: prices of the Deutsche Telekom

We do not charge VAT.

For rush orders or assignments requiring overtime, work on weekends or public holidays we add a surcharge of 20%.

With large orders, individual price agreements are possible.

Further information on the prices is to be found in our General Terms and Conditions of Business under Fees and Quotations.

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